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Anti-Virus Client Security автоматически, в реальном времени
останавливает вирусы и вредоносное ПО, атакующее компьютеры посредством
электронной почты, интернета, гибких дисков и компакт-дисков. Благодаря
сканированию трафика POP3, IMAP4, SMTP и HTTP решение предотвращает
отправку или получение вирусов по почте и через интернет. Наличие
нескольких механизмов сканирования обеспечивает безотказную защиту от
вирусов. Чтобы упростить установку, F-Secure Anti- Virus Client
Security ищет потенциально конфликтующие антивирусные программы и
автоматически удаляет их во время установки. Базы данных описаний
вирусов незаметно и автоматически обновляются 1-2 раза в день с
минимальным использованием пропускной способности сети. Функция защиты
от сбоев гарантирует, что F-Secure Anti-Virus Client Security всегда
обеспечит своевременную защиту от новых вирусов, даже если основной
сервер обновления баз данных недоступен.
F-Secure® Client
Security™ 8 provides an intelligent way to protect corporate
workstations and laptops against traditional and new zero-hour threats.
It combines network queries (in-the-cloud), host based intrusion
prevention (HIPS) and traditional signature based client security
protection. The integrated antivirus, firewall, antispyware, rootkit
scanning and behavior monitoring can be centrally managed – easily but
F-Secure Client Security focuses beneath the surface to tackle the hidden intruders: •
Rapid, proactive, always-on protection against both traditional and
new, previously unknown threats keeps your networks safe - even before
virus databases have been updated • Incoming threats are recognized
and blocked faster than traditional antivirus software, thanks to new
technologies such as Deepguard, a Host-based Intrusion Prevention
System (HIPS) that enables smarter and more accurate analysis of any
unknown malware it encounters. • Comprehensive combined protection
for your organization’s laptops and desktops against viruses, hackers,
spyware and rootkits is included in one centrally-managed, easy-to-use
Businesses are facing increasingly sophisticated and
targeted malware attacks, as virus writers are exploiting the Internet
for financial gain. Professional cyber criminals want to stay unnoticed
and are using advanced technologies to hide their malware from client
security solutions. Today a single company or computer might be the
target of a specific malware assault. And if the antivirus cannot
detect it, nobody does. For example, hidden spyware can cause severe
damage to a company by sending out confidential information and by
lowering computer performance and productivity. In order to remain
secured against the constantly evolving Internet threats, businesses
require traditional signature-based client security protection combined
with proactive client security protection and monitoring of suspicious
software behavior that work faster than ever.
Key features: •
Real-Time Automatic Protection - Stops viruses, worms, spyware and
Trojans attacking via e-mail, web or removable media, like USB-sticks
in real-time. • F-Secure DeepGuard - A host-based intrusion
prevention system (HIPS) with network queries (in-the-cloud) providing
protection for unknown threats. • F-Secure BlackLight - Scans for rootkits at the deepest level of the computer. • E-mail Scanning - Scans POP3, SMTP and IMAP4 traffic for viruses. • Web Scanning - Scans HTTP traffic for viruses before the data is forwarded into web browser. • Spyware Protection - Stops adware and spyware using real-time scanner. • Neighborcast - Scalable and fast peer-to-peer database update distribution inside a LAN. •
Protection for Unknown Threats - Blocks in real-time unknown threats
using system changes, browser hijacking and code injections. • Cisco
NAC Plug-in - Assures the security level of the workstations and
laptops connecting to the company network before granting them an
access. • Network Quarantine - Assures the security level of remote laptops outside office premises before granting them network access. •
Automatic Antivirus, Antispyware, DeepGuard and BlackLight Updates with
Fail-Over - Updates are delivered transparently and automatically
several times a day. • Firewall with Intrusion Prevention - Detects and blocks hackers and new breeds of worm. • Application Control - Centrally controls and blocks applications connecting to the Internet. •
Automatic Selection of Firewall profiles - Automatically adapts
security levels - such as office or mobile - based on network location. • Virus News - Delivers the latest virus threat news instantly around the globe. •
Central Management - F-Secure Client Security can be remotely
installed, configured and monitored from one central location with
F-Secure Policy Manager. The client configuration can be locked for
always-on protection.
Supported operating systems: * Windows 2000 (SP 4 or higher) * Windows XP (SP 2 or higher) * Windows Vista 32- and 64-bit
What's new in F-Secure Client Security version 8: *
F-Secure DeepGuard 2.0: Thanks to this new in-the-cloud technology, all
F-Secure users are protected in 60 seconds from the first confirmation
of a new threat. * New updatable scanning architecture allows a quick and smooth response to threats. * Memory consumption reduced by over a third compared to the previous version. * Neighborcast feature offers scalable and fast peer-to-peer database update distribution inside a LAN. * Full IPv6 protection and Windows Vista 64-bit support.